
ECAM Office Center

ECAM recently developed a new functionality for hosting companies that wish to establish themselves in the Madeira Autonomous Region, but do want to set up facilities as yet, allocating resources and infrastructures. Consequently the services supplied by ECAM OFFICE CENTER include:

• Address for fiscal Headquarters
• Access to meeting room with videoconferencing facilities
• Secretarial support and telephonist
• Correspondence management
• Work station with wifi
• Printer and copy machine
• Archive



We provide our clients with encrypted remote access to data, which allows access to the systems in a consulting environment, facilitating the availability of general and customized information, as defined by the client with his ECAM manager.

Report 20


The delivery of reliable information to ECAM's customers on their activity led to the development of this technology-based tool that allows for the organization, systematization and availability of periodic performance indicators, always available, up-to-date and easily accesable.



The “REDE ECAM XXI” represents a cooperation network between companies, institutes and other organizations which allows for the promotion of their objectives in a constructive relationship environment capable of generating important synergies for all parties involved, in particular the partners involved and their clients.

This network is seen as a cooperation tool, where respect for each partners business prevails, in a rationale non-incorporating actions, by each partner, separately, with diverse services with strategic connections of a long-lasting nature.

SAFT Check-up


ECAM provides a verification tool to assist companies in identifying and correcting errors / anomalies in SAFT Billing and Accounting files, allowing a full and forensic check-up to all data contained in the files.

This is a process fully certified by the Tax Authority, thus enabling the identification of syntax, integrity and materiality issues by conducting a comprehensive set of automated audit procedures on the universe of all transactions contained within them and includes the explanation of each incongruity or anomaly found and the appropriate recommendations to correct these incongruities or anomalies, which may be technological, at ERP level, such as accounting or tax consultancy.